BEAST v2.6.7 Documentation: beast.evolution.branchratemodel.UCRelaxedClockModel

Defines an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock.


Drummond AJ, Ho SYW, Phillips MJ, Rambaut A (2006) Relaxed Phylogenetics and Dating with Confidence. PLoS Biol 4(5): e88



distr, rateCategories, numberOfDiscreteRates, rateQuantiles, rates, tree, normalize, clock.rate


type: beast.math.distributions.ParametricDistribution
the distribution governing the rates among branches. Must have mean of 1. The clock.rate parameter can be used to change the mean rate.
Required input


type: beast.core.parameter.IntegerParameter
the rate categories associated with nodes in the tree for sampling of individual rates among branches.
Optional input


type: java.lang.Integer
the number of discrete rates to approximate the rate distribution by. With category parameterisation, a value <= 0 will cause the number of categories to be set equal to the number of branches in the tree. With quantile paramterisation, a value <= 1 will calculate rates for every quantile, a value > 1 will approximate the distribution piecewise linearly with specified number of rates. (default = -1)
Optional input. Default: -1


type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter
the rate quantiles associated with nodes in the tree for sampling of individual rates among branches.
Optional input


type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter
the rates associated with nodes in the tree for sampling of individual rates among branches.
Optional input


type: beast.evolution.tree.Tree
the tree this relaxed clock is associated with.
Required input


type: java.lang.Boolean
Whether to normalize the average rate (default false).
Optional input. Default: false


type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter
mean clock rate (defaults to 1.0)
Optional input