Defines mutation rate and gamma distributed rates across sites (optional) and proportion of the sites invariant (also optional).
mutationRate, gammaCategoryCount, shape, proportionInvariant, substModel
type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter |
mutation rate (defaults to 1.0) |
Optional input |
type: java.lang.Integer |
gamma category count (default=zero for no gamma) |
Optional input. Default: 0 |
type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter |
shape parameter of gamma distribution. Ignored if gammaCategoryCount 1 or less |
Optional input |
type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter |
proportion of sites that is invariant: should be between 0 (default) and 1 |
Optional input |
type: beast.evolution.substitutionmodel.SubstitutionModel |
substitution model along branches in the beast.tree |
Required input |