BEASTObject that performs calculations based on the State.
A class that describes a parametric distribution, that is, a distribution that takes some parameters/valuables as inputs and can produce (cumulative) densities and inverse cumulative densities.
Inverse Gamma distribution, used as prior. for x>0 f(x; alpha, beta) = rac{beta^alpha}{Gamma(alpha)} (1/x)^{alpha + 1}exp(-beta/x) If the input x is a multidimensional parameter, each of the dimensions is considered as a separate independent component.
type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter |
shape parameter, defaults to 2 |
Optional input |
type: beast.core.parameter.RealParameter |
scale parameter, defaults to 2 |
Optional input |
type: java.lang.Double |
offset of origin (defaults to 0) |
Optional input. Default: 0.0 |