Downloading BEAST for Windows
The BEAST Download should be under way.
Once the file is downloaded, unzip the file and start BEAST, BEAUti or the other programs by double clicking the icon in the BEAST directory.
Trouble shooting
Download issues
If the download failed, you can always get it from the release page.
ARM version
A JRE is included in this release of BEAST based on x86 CPUs. There is no ARM version of BEAST because the ARM version appeared to run considerably slower than the x86 version.
To create an ARM version, replace the jre directory with an ARM version of the JRE (e.g. from
[Zulu azul]( or
[Bellsoft]( -- make sure to select "Arm" and "Full JRE" before downloading the tar.gz version).
Uncompress the tar.gz file, and move the folder to \path\to\BEAST\jre
Check the file \path\to\BEAST\jre\bin\java.exe