Tree processing, clade comparison, LTT plots, and other Apps

29 April 2019 by Remco Bouckaert

There are a number of handy utilities in the Babel package, which can be launchers with the AppLauncher that comes with BEAST. After you installed the Babel package, you can start them by selecting File >> Launch Apps menu in BEAUti, or you can start them from a terminal, by passing the App name to the applauncher program that comes with BEAST. For instance, if you want to convert a NEXUS tree file to Newick tree file, you do so using

\path\to\BEAST\applauncher Nexus2Newick -trees nexus.trees -out newick.trees

OS X: 
/Applications/BEAST\ 2.5.2/bin/applauncher Nexus2Newick -trees nexus.trees -out newick.trees

/path/to/beast/bin/applauncher Nexus2Newick -trees nexus.trees -out newick.trees

where \path\to\ and /path/to/ is the directory where BEAST is uncompressed on Windows and Linux respectively.

Babel has the following Apps:

  • CladeSetComparator to validate tree sets converged to the same distribution
  • LineagesThroughTimeCounter for creating LTT plots
  • SpanningTree for sanity checking cognate sets

To manipulate trees

  • AdjustTipHeight
  • LeafSplitter
  • TreeGrafter
  • TreeRelabeller
  • TreeTransitionMarker
  • MakeUltraMetric
  • TreeEpochScaler handy when you have deep branches, but most of the detail is from recent splits.
  • FamilyFilter

Converting file formats

  • Nexus2Newick
  • Newick2Nexus
  • Phy2Nexus

More details below.


Match clades from two tree sets and print support for both sets so they can be plotted in an X-Y plot

  • tree1 source tree (set) file
  • tree2 source tree (set) file
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified
  • svg svg output file. if not specified, no SVG output is produced.
  • burnin percentage of trees to used as burn-in (and will be ignored)

Output produced by CladeSetComparator plotting the clade support of one tree set against another. The blue lines indicate a 25% offset from the x-equals-y line. Trees from the time stamped data tutorial.


Produce table for lineages through time plot with 95%HPD bounds

  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • out output file. Print to stdout if not specified
  • svgout if specified, produce SVG file with graph
  • burnin percentage of trees to used as burn-in (and will be ignored)
  • resolution number of steps in table
  • reverseSVGAxis reverse x-axis, that is go forward in time instead of backward
  • maxX maximum value for x-axis. Automaticlly deduced if < 0
  • maxY maximum value for y-axis. Automaticlly deduced if < 0

Lineage through time plot for human respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A (using trees from time stamped data tutorial).


Creates spanning trees of cognate sets.

  • nexus nexus file containing cognate data in binary format
  • kml kml file containing point locations of languages
  • cognate cognate file listing labels for each column
  • background image map in mercator projection used for background
  • maximumDistance maximum distance to split on

Converting file formats


Convert nexus tree file to Newick format

  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified


Convert Newick tree file to NEXUS format

  • trees Newick file containing a tree set
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified


Convert phyml phy format to nexus alignment file

  • phy Phyml phy file containing a sequence set
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified
  • datatype

Manipulating sets of trees


Set tip heights of existing tree to match the heights from a list

  • trees Newick file containing a tree set
  • cfg tab separated configuration file containing two columns: column 1: name of taxon, column 2: height (age) of taxon
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified
  • year2millenium


Relabels leafs of tree set, and splits leafs into random binary sub-tree with branch lengths exponentially distributed.Output as newick trees (not nexus). Metadata is not preserved.

  • labelMap space delimited text file with list of source and target labels. For taxa that need splitting, specify a comma separated list of new taxon labels.
  • meanLength branch lengths are drawn from an exponential with average meanLength
  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified


Grafts nodes into a tree above the MRCA of a set of nodes. This can be useful in case there are taxa that are not part of the analysis, but for which we know from prior information where a taxon should be placed (e.g., South African language in an Indo-European langagae analysis).

  • cfg tab separated configuration file containing three columns: column 1: name of taxon column 2: height (age) of taxon column 3: a comma separated list of taxa determining MRCA to graft above in source tree (if no constraints have been specified).
  • constraints newick tree file with constraints on where to insert leaf nodes
  • src source tree (set) file used as skeleton
  • out output file, or stdout if not specified


Relabels taxa in a tree file. Usfeful for instance when labels are iso codes and language names are required for visualisation

  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • out output file. Print to stdout if not specified
  • labelMap tab delimited text file with list of source and target labels


Mark specific transitions of a meta-data attribute on a tree to make it easy to visualise these transitions, e.g. for an ancestral reconstruction analysis

  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree (set)
  • out output file. Print to stdout if not specified
  • tag metadata tag to be marked
  • from metadata tag value at top of branch to be marked
  • to metadata tag value at bottom of branch to be marked
  • markAll


Converts a rooted tree (set) to an ultrametric tree (set), i.e., make all leafs have same distance to root by extending leaf branches so the height of all leaf nodes is zero.

  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • out output file. Print to stdout if not specified


Scales trees so epochs have the same length. This is handy when you have deep branches, but most of the detail is from recent splits: say your tree has a very long branches to the root, and you want to display it well in FigTree then you can define two epochs: one from the root to the oldest child, and one from that child time till present.

  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • out output file. Print to stdout if not specified
  • epochs space delimited list of epoch boundaries: each epoch will be scaled to the same height as the first epoch


Filters all leafs from specified taxon sets out of a tree file based on clade membership

  • families NEXUS file containing taxon sets
  • trees NEXUS file containing a tree set
  • subset text file with list of taxa to include
  • out output file. Print to stdout if not specified
  • verbose