version.xml explained

1 January 2025 by Remco Bouckaert

Each BEAST2 package has a version.xml file that has several purposes:

  • declaring the name and version of the package
  • defining dependencies of the package
  • listing services that can be used by other packages
  • listing apps that can be launched by the applauncher

Package name and version

The version.xml file has the package element at top level with attributes name and version.

<package name="MyPackage" version="1.0.1">

Package dependencies

Inside the package element, dependencies to other packages can be defined together with their versions. Usually, BEAST.base and are dependencies. The atleast and atmost attributes put bounds on which versions are acceptable. If not atmost is defined, only atleast version is checked when BEAST2 starts. A typical set of dependencies looks like so:

    <depends on="BEAST.base" atleast="2.7.5"/>
    <depends on="" atleast="2.7.5"/>
    <depends on="OtherPacakge" atleast="1.0.0" atmost="1.9.0"/>

Package services

The version.xml file allows you to specify which services are available for external packages, the XML parser, etc.. A service is specified by adding a service element inside the package element, e.g. like so:

    <service type="beast.base.core.BEASTInterface">
        <provider classname="mypackage.base.SomeBEASTObject"/>
        <provider classname="mypackage.base.AnotherBEASTObject"/>
        <provider classname=""/>

A service has a type and contains one or more providers which indicate which classes provide the service. The following services are recognised by beast.base:

  • beast.base.core.BEASTInterface should be used for any BEAST object that can be created through XML files.
  • beast.base.evolution.datatype.DataType to be used when new data types are made available in a package.
  • for any input editor providing GUI components for BEAUti. Note, packages should not put input editors in or any more.
  • for classes that help with importing alignments from files.
  • for actions that extend the Help menu in BEAUti.
  • for actions that extend the Add priors button in the prior panel in BEAUti.

Package apps

Applications inside a package should be classes with a main method, so they can be started with applauncher or via BEAUti using the File => Launch Apps menu.

	<packageapp description="ModelAnalyser"
  • description is the name displayed in BEAUti’s App Launcher dialog
  • class defines the class for which the main method is called
  • args are default extra arguments passed to main
  • icon specifies the location in the jar file that comes with the package to be displayed in App Launcher

The -version_file argument

When debugging inside an IDE, it can be useful to specify one or more version.xml files to be used for packages that are not installed – BEAST, BEAUti and applauncher have a -version_file argument that allows you to do this. When -version_file dir/* is used, all version.xml files in sub-directories of dir are included, which is usually all you need when all packages under development are inside the dir directory.